Brankov most bio je blokiran za saobraćaj zbog odavanja pošte žrtvama pada nadstrešnice na Železničkoj stanici Novi Sad. Ona je trajala 15 minuta, a blokada se nastavila još pola sata. Akciju je pokrenula inicijativa "Most ostaje", a blokada je organizovana kod APR-a u Brankovoj ulici [...]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that traffic on Branko Bridge has been normalized after being temporarily disrupted.
The text indicates that there was a large backlog of vehicles heading towards Belgrade and that only partial traffic flow was possible.
The situation improved, allowing traffic in both directions.
The article also mentions related news events, like student protests, but the main focus is on the traffic update.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that traffic on Branko Bridge has been normalized after being temporarily disrupted. The text indicates that there was a large backlog of vehicles heading towards Belgrade and that only partial traffic flow was possible. The situation improved, allowing traffic in both directions. The article also mentions related news events, like student protests, but the main focus is on the traffic update.